Climate change is an urgent and multifaceted challenge facing all of society.
Harvard faculty teach an expanding array of courses examining the many dimensions of this shared challenge. Explore courses in climate and sustainability ranging from economics and English to public health and climate science.
This course will examine the theory and practical application of environmental chemistry and toxicology for assessing the behavior, toxicity and human health risks of chemical contaminants in the environment.
Place-based scenario planning is a form of long-term strategic planning specific to the design disciplines. This method is used to create representations of plausible climate impacts to inform decision-makers in the present. Place-based scenario planning uses local communities as a starting point to understand climate adaptation through infrastructures, buildings, landscapes, and cultural institutions that are easily identified and familiar to people living in a place. Scenario planning is especially useful in regards to climate change, which has many different stakeholders and a high degree of uncertainty.
This reading group will explore how environmental disasters drive migration and displacement in the United States, and how federal disaster law and policy can mitigate or exacerbate the effects of those disasters on communities. We will discuss both sudden and slow-onset disasters that are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change, including hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, permafrost thaw, and coastal erosion. Readings will introduce students to federal disaster law, frameworks for just response and recovery, and draw on survivor narratives to illustrate the disparate impacts of both disasters and disaster preparedness and response programs. We will also discuss possible solutions to make federal disaster law and policy more equitable and effective.
The macroscopic description of the fundamentals of heat transfer and their application to practical problems in energy conversion, electronics and living systems with an emphasis on developing a physical and analytical understanding of conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer.
The disturbance, degradation, and destruction of ecosystems from anthropogenic impacts is a global challenge. Recognizing this crisis, the United Nations declared this decade (2021-2030) the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. In this course, we will explore the principles of ecology that are fundamental to the goal of ecosystem restoration, including restoring ecological function and structure to degraded lands.
The complexity of governing cities continues to escalate as more of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. The problems of delivering basic services, while addressing climate and equity compound the challenge. This course seeks to equip students who wish to use digital tools to innovate with the knowledge and skills necessary to imagine and implement innovative solutions to public problems
Through a series of lectures, discussions and workshop modules, learn how to develop, test, and apply quantifiable landscape climate performance strategies that can be applied to any project. Students will gain an understanding of how to analyze a place and develop approaches for reducing embodied carbon emissions of materials and operations, increasing biogenic carbon sequestration, and supporting co-benefits. Strategies will be outlined in daily lectures and followed by hands-on exercises which will ultimately be documented in a draft and final presentation for implementation recommendations at a specific site.
Using an interdisciplinary exploration of the liberal arts, you will develop and apply transformative ideas to tackle today’s societal challenges such as racial injustice, climate change, and strained health and wellbeing.
.If Butler's visionary perspective on today's political and ecological crises is to be fully appreciated, it must be understood through the lens of her identity as a Black woman coming of age during the Black Power and Civil Rights Movements, and her engagement with Black religious expressions—particularly African traditional religions, Black Christian traditions, and Black new religious movements—all of which profoundly influenced either Butler’s personal life or her characters.The course will primarily focus on Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents, various essays and interviews, as well secondary articles.