Salata Institute Travel Grant Program

The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability’s Travel Grant Program funds individual students who are planning trips for the purpose of advancing their academic or professional development goals.  Funding is available only for travel during the Fall, Spring, and Winter inter-session. The maximum grant is $1,000. The program welcomes applications from all enrolled Harvard students.
Aug 22, 2024
Program Timeline

Applicants should use the table below to identify the appropriate Application Deadline and Decision Date corresponding to their anticipated Travel Departure Date.

Spring 2025

Travel Departure DateApplications OpenApplication Deadline
(by 11:59 PM)
Decision Date 
March 10 –
April 13
February 3February 16 February 21
April 14 –
May 18
March 17March 30 April 4
May 19 –
May 31
April 21May 4 May 9

*Please note: Applicants may not apply through this program for funding to attend the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Students interested in traveling to COP29 should apply through Salata Institute’s COP Student Observer’s Program. 

Qualifying Travel Purposes

Students traveling for the purpose of advancing their climate- or sustainability-related academic or professional development goals, including travel related to:  

  • Student presentations at a conference, or other roles beyond participating as an attendee.  
  • Professional development or career advancement activities at a conference.
  • Field research related to a student’s thesis or capstone project. 
  • Independent research projects supervised by a faculty member.


Applicant Qualifications
  • Applicants must be registered Harvard University students in good academic standing.  
  • The Applicants travel destination must not be listed as a high-risk travel location by Harvard University. 
  • Travel must take place during the Fall or Spring term, or during the Winter inter-session.  
  • Applicants must be able to arrange their own travel and lodging accommodation and cover any associated up-front costs. Program funding is awarded on a reimbursement basis.
  • If traveling internationally, Applicants must have a passport (U.S. or other passport) and a visa, if required, that are valid for the dates of international travel. They must have also secured all necessary documents for re-entry to the United States.
Program Requirements  
Funding Criteria 
  • Applicants should demonstrate an interest in and engagement with climate change and/or related environmental, social, or economic issues.  
  • Applicants should make a strong argument for how their travel will necessarily support their academic and professional goals. 
  • Applicants should have the necessary academic or professional qualifications that support the purpose of their trip.
Application Requirements

Please refer to the Program Timeline section to identify the appropriate Application Deadline for your travel. All applications are due by 11:59 PM on the Application Deadline date.

The Travel Grant Application includes the following sections: 

  1. Applicant Information: Identifying questions about the applicant.
  2. Travel Proposal: Questions about the intended purpose for travel, travel details, and a travel statement (500 words, PDF Upload) outlining how the trip will advance the applicants academic or professional development goals.
  3. Budget & Funding Request: An outline of your overall budget, disclosure of other funding sources, your funding request for this program, and other funding-related questions.
  4. Environmental Impact Statement: A statement (50-100 words) about how the applicant will minimize the environmental impacts of travel. Find tips on minimizing travel impacts here.  
  5. *Optional Supporting Documentation
    • Letter of support from a supervising faculty advisor. 
    • Copy of conference or event agenda.
  6. Program Agreements: Acknowledgment of the program expectations and requirements.

Deadline: 11:59 PM on date referenced in Program Timeline

*Please Note: Funding for this program is awarded on a reimbursement basis and must comply with the program Funding Restrictions

Award decisions: Applicants will be notified of decisions according to the specific Decision Date for their travel window. Please refer to the Program Timeline section above.

Please contact with questions. 

Funding Restrictions 
  • Funds will be awarded on a reimbursement basis only; students must be able to cover the upfront costs of transportation and lodging.
  • Funding cannot be applied retroactively; students must apply for funding prior to their dates of travel.
  • The Salata Institute will reimburse students only if they actually travel to their intended destination. 
  • All expenses paid by credit card should be incurred by the applicant themselves. Expenses cannot be reimbursed if they are made by a family member, friend, or colleague. 
  • For foreign travel, exchange rates must be included in receipts and the amounts must be calculated into U.S. dollars. 
  • Individual applicants must have a valid form of travel ID for the dates of travel. For international travel, students must have a valid U.S. passport or non-U.S. passport and visa, if required, and have secured all necessary documents for re-entry to the United States. Passports should remain valid for a minimum of 6 months after the return travel date. 
  • Funding from this program may not be used for the following: travel conducted over the summer; travel to high-risk travel locations; for meals, per diems, or stipends; for travel packages that include hotel/airfare/car rental, unless each component of the expense can be identified; for transportation to or from locations other than the site of the project or conference.