Science Spotlight
Saturday, Apr 13, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Harvard Museum of Natural HistoryClassroom B, Third Floor
26 Oxford St.
Meet up-and-coming scientists and learn about questions at the forefront of research today in this series of short talks.
2:00–2:30 pm What in the World Is a Pseudoscorpion?
Have you ever wondered how scientists discover and describe new species? Or a slightly different question—have you ever wondered why scientists describe new species? Explore these questions with arachnologist Juli Cosgrove and learn about an animal that you have certainly walked by but probably never heard of.
3:00–3:30 pm Unveiling Ancient History as an Earth Detective
Travel back to an ancient Earth bombarded by colossal asteroids 3.5 billion years ago. Geologist Val Aguilar studies the oldest extraterrestrial impact events recorded in the rock record. Explore the geologic evidence of giant asteroid impacts, their effects on the planet's surface, and learn about the story of Earth's survival.
2:00–2:30 pm What in the World Is a Pseudoscorpion?
Have you ever wondered how scientists discover and describe new species? Or a slightly different question—have you ever wondered why scientists describe new species? Explore these questions with arachnologist Juli Cosgrove and learn about an animal that you have certainly walked by but probably never heard of.
3:00–3:30 pm Unveiling Ancient History as an Earth Detective
Travel back to an ancient Earth bombarded by colossal asteroids 3.5 billion years ago. Geologist Val Aguilar studies the oldest extraterrestrial impact events recorded in the rock record. Explore the geologic evidence of giant asteroid impacts, their effects on the planet's surface, and learn about the story of Earth's survival.

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