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Salata Institute Climate Collaboration Grant Program

The Salata Institute’s Climate Collaboration Grant Program supports student organizations across Harvard University which jointly undertake climate-focused initiatives. The purpose of the Program is to encourage student groups with a shared interest in climate change to work with one another and to foster collaborative projects that enrich student learning and contribute to the University’s efforts to meet the global climate challenge. Projects awarded through this program are eligible for funding up to $7,000.
Aug 22, 2024

Formerly the Student Organization Funding Program

Learn about past projects funded through this program:  Spring 2023 | Fall 2023

Program Timeline

The Climate Collaboration Grant will run on an annual cycle. One round of funding will be awarded each fall for 1-year long projects that will be developed and executed over the full academic year.  

Program Qualifications 
  • Collaboration between at least 2 university-recognized student groups. 
  • A co-developed proposal for a climate-, sustainability-, and/or environmentally related project to be executed over the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Attendance from at least 1 applicant organizations at the Salata Institutes CCG Climate Connections Event (Tuesday, September 24, 2024, from 5:00 – 7:00 PM)
Program Requirements 
  • Awarded project groups must participate in an award conferral meeting to accept funding, review the program expectations, and outline a detailed course of action.
  • Student groups participating in an awarded project must submit periodic updates on its status when requested by the Salata Institute.
  • Upon completion, project groups must submit a 1-page final report and 2-3 photographs summarizing the project and any outcomes.
  • Project groups must adhere to all the programs Funding Restrictions.
Funding Criteria

The Salata Institute will make funding decisions based on the following criteria:

  • Collaboration: The extent to which the project allows for meaningful and productive collaboration among two or more student organizations. 
  • Connections: The extent to which the proposed initiative forges new connections among students or strengthens existing ones.  
  • Impact: The degree to which the proposed initiative contributes to the Salata Institute’s efforts to strengthen research, education, and public engagement on climate change and related environmental issues.
Application Requirements for 2024-2025
  • Application Opens: September 27, 2024
  • Application Deadline: October 20, 2024 (11:59 PM) 

The application comprises the following sections:    

  1. Organization Information: Names of participating student organizations or groups, and a primary contact
  2. Proposal Information
    • Project Details: Project title and disclosure of additional funding sources.
    • Project Description: A 650-word description of the proposed project or initiative and detailed timeline.
    • Project Responsibilities: A 200-word paragraph describing project responsibilities. 
  3. Budget & Funding Request: Please review Funding Restrictions. Funding request must not exceed $7,000.00
  4. Program Agreements

Required Documents – Templates    

Please upload your completed templates in PDF format.

Funding decisions for the 2024-2025 academic year will be announced on October 28, 2024. 

Application Deadline: 11:59 PM on October 20, 2024


Program Funding Restrictions

Program funds cannot be used for the following:  

  • To pay for Harvard student time. 
  • For the purchase of gift cards.  
  • For individual student travel.  
  • To fund projects that result in direct individual or personal gain. 
  • To fund entrepreneurial activities, including business start-up costs, etc.  

Examples of allowable funding expenses include:

  • Food and catering costs  
  • Event venue spaces and rentals
  • Speaker honorariums and travel costs
  • Project materials and supplies
  • Approved project tools 

Final budgets are approved by the Salata Institute as part of the application process. The Salata Institute reserves the right to request revisions to the proposed budget to fit within the scope of allowable expenses. All applicable Harvard University financial policies and respective School financial policies must be followed. 

Questions? Contact oona_gaffney@harvard.edu