Joe Aldy is a Professor of the Practice of Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, a University Fellow at Resources for the Future, a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and a Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and …
Joseph Aldy
Chair, Climate Action Accelerator Steering Committee; Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Dr. Duhaime served as Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital until May 2021 and is the Nicholas T. Zervas Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School. She has been a practicing board-certified pediatric neurosurgeon for three decades, with e…
Ann-Christine Duhaime
Nicholas T. Zervas Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School; Physician Investigator (Cl), Neurosurgery, Mass General Research Institute; Neurosurgeon, Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital
Andrew Mergen is a Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic. Prior to joining the Harvard Law School faculty, Andrew Mergen served in the Appellate Section of the Environment & Natural Resources Division (ENRD) at th…
Andrew Mergen
Emmett Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law in Environmental Law; Faculty Director, Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
Amy is a registered landscape architect, practitioner, and educator. Prior to her role as Design Critic in Landscape Architecture she spent 10 years in the Boston office of Stoss Landscape Urbanism where she was most recently the Director of Resilience. She continues to work with Stoss as an advi…
Amy Whitesides
Design Critic in Landscape Architecture
David Trilling, formerly a journalist, has covered the effects of climate change on food security, migration, ethnic unrest, and international relations. He was the Central Asia correspondent for The Economist and has contributed to other publications, including Foreign Affairs and The Guardian. …
David Trilling
Assistant Director, Media Relations; Managing Editor, Harvard Climate Blog