Where Science, Policy, and Politics Collide: The Urban and Regional Challenges of Sea-level Rise in the Nile River Valley
Thursday, Apr 18, 2024, 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Bell Hall (B-500), Belfer BuildingHarvard Kennedy School
79 John F. Kennedy St.
The Salata Institute’s Climate Research Workshops bring Harvard University faculty together to present and discuss recent climate-related research papers and scholarly publications. Under Chatham House Rule, Faculty will learn about current research taking place across Harvard, engage in interdisciplinary dialogues, and forge connections and research collaborations.
The Spring 2024 Workshop will primarily focus on climate adaptation, led by the Salata Institute’s Climate Research Cluster on Climate Adaptation in the Gulf of Guinea.
The Spring 2024 Workshop will primarily focus on climate adaptation, led by the Salata Institute’s Climate Research Cluster on Climate Adaptation in the Gulf of Guinea.

Are you hosting a Harvard-affiliated event that is related to climate change and/or sustainability? Please submit your event to the Salata Institute event calendar using this quick form! We look forward to sharing your event with the Harvard community.
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