Using Evidence and Data to Illuminate Our Food Systems
Monday, Jan 22, 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Online on Zoom

We are embedded in a crowded, complex landscape of global challenges—climate change and environmental degradation, mounting social upheaval and inequities, and increasing public health and food insecurity risks. Food systems sit at the center of these challenges and constitute major causes of the climate crisis. But they can also be key parts of the solution.
At a time when facts and data are often openly regarded as suspect by political leaders and business interests, the rigors of evidence-based research may help to bring about wholesale changes in attitudes, political discourse, and social action. Innovations in data gathering and analysis will play a vital role in charting a positive and sustainable direction for food system transformation.
Jessica Fanzo, a climate, nutrition, and immunology expert, will discuss how these innovations can illuminate our complex food systems and also equip decision-makers to navigate the difficult course of making our food systems more resilient in the face of the climate crisis and environmental instability. She will highlight recent developments her team has initiated, including the Food Systems Dashboard and the Food Systems Countdown Initiative.
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