Science Spotlights: Chemical Movement and the Backyard Zombie Apocalypse

2:00–2:30 pm
Running, Swimming, and Squirming: Chemicals That Make You Move
No matter the animal, knowing how to move is extremely important. But, even the smallest changes at the molecular level can affect this coordination. Join cellular biologist and Harvard graduate student, Juan Orozco, as he explores how changing tiny chemical components in neurons can completely alter how animals move.

3:00–3:30 pm 
The Zombie Apocalypse Happening in Your Backyard
If you think zombies are just a work of fiction, think again! Every day, all around us, tiny fruit flies are being infected by a fungus that gets into their brain, takes them over, and controls their behavior. Join geneticist and Harvard graduate student Julius Tabin to learn more about the life cycle of this zombie infection and the questions scientists are using it to answer.


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