Ocean Fever: Deep Thoughts on Water, Culture, and Climate Resilience
Wednesday, Feb 07, 2024, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Robert Verchick is a legal scholar in climate change and disaster policy who designed climate-resilience programs in the Obama administration. His most recent book, “The Octopus in the Parking Garage: A Call for Climate Resilience,” empowers nonexpert readers to face the climate crisis and shows what we can do to adapt and thrive.
In this lecture, Verchick will explore how we can harness the power of government, science, and local wisdom to rescue the oceans from climate breakdown.
Verchick has written more than 60 articles and four books, including the award-winning “Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post-Katrina World.” In 2009 and 2010, he served in the Obama administration as deputy associate administrator for policy at the US Environmental Protection Agency. His podcast, Connect the Dots, is in its seventh season.
Register online.
In this lecture, Verchick will explore how we can harness the power of government, science, and local wisdom to rescue the oceans from climate breakdown.
Verchick has written more than 60 articles and four books, including the award-winning “Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post-Katrina World.” In 2009 and 2010, he served in the Obama administration as deputy associate administrator for policy at the US Environmental Protection Agency. His podcast, Connect the Dots, is in its seventh season.
Register online.

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