How global supply chain is using AI to reduce CO2 - sharing session by Jerry Huang, Founder&CEO of CarbonSense
Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Detailed location sent upon registration!

Please come join this amazing event with the Climatech startup founder event next Tuesday!
We also welcome people from diverse backgrounds, if you are interested in carbon emission policy, or carbon reduction technologies, you are welcomed to join us to hear how manufacturing industries have been implementing technologies to reduce the carbon emission of their own and of their supply chain.
Topic: How global supply chain is using AI to reduce CO2 - sharing session by Jerry Huang, Founder&CEO of CarbonSense
OCT 17th, TUE, 7-8pm, Harvard University
Sponsored by: Harvard Ventures, Harvard Data Analytics Group
Content: We will be going through how digitalization and AI are now helping global supply chain and the manufacturing companies shifting to a greener and more sustainable future, and share practices in China and Europe
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