Climate Justice Week Garden Party: Planting Seeds of Love and Justice
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
CSWR Common Room, 42 Francis Ave, and the HDS Garden

We plant seeds with no guarantee of fruit; gardening is an act of hope, faith, and a promise to attend to life. Today we pause to consider the precarity and beauty of climate justice. What agreements are we promising to uphold and what relationships are we nurturing? What will we do when we break our promises, or when the storms of our time break them for us?
Please join us (and prepare to get your hands dirty!) for an interactive pea-planting ceremony in the HDS Garden, in which we will contemplate and discuss what it means to plant the seeds of love and justice “in our backyard.”
Theme for Climate Justice Week: In Our Backyard
An HDS-student initiative, this year's Climate Justice Week will provide opportunities to build our relationship with our local environment and increase our understanding of the local dimensions of the climate crisis and the critical role that religious literacy plays in climate action.
Our relationship to climate is defined by where we are. “In Our Backyard” is a recognition that we are deeply affected by what is local, that we can always act in our immediate environment, and that we are all connected through neighborliness. What is local is also global. It is a call to understand religious literacy in climate action and politics and to imagine our roles in creating better futures.

Are you hosting a Harvard-affiliated event that is related to climate change and/or sustainability? Please submit your event to the Salata Institute event calendar using this quick form! We look forward to sharing your event with the Harvard community.
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