Salata Student Climate Activities Fund  

The Student Climate Activities Fund provides small one-time project grants to recognized Harvard student organizations. This funding supports student groups that undertake climate- and sustainability-focused activities or projects independently or in partnership with another student group. Awards up to $1,000 are available.
Aug 21, 2024

The Student Climate Activities Fund offers modest grants to recognized Harvard student organizations which undertake climate- and sustainability-focused programming, activities, and projects independently or in partnership with another student group. The purpose of the Program is to encourage student-led activities that deepen climate engagement on campus, bring together a diversity of student voices, enrich student learning, and contribute to the University’s efforts to meet the global climate challenge. Student organizations may apply for grants of up to $1,000 to support their climate-related endeavors.  

Qualifying Activities:  

Grants will be awarded for climate-related activities led by one or more Harvard student organizations. This funding is meant to support climate- and sustainability-related activities taking place on-campus, locally, or regionally. Qualifying activities include conferences, guest-speaker events, competition funds, seminars or series, research projects, art or performance-based projects, and educational programming. Please review the Funding Restrictions to understand what kinds of expenses related to these activities can be considered. 

*If you are planning an activity that you do not see listed above, please email to ask if your proposal would qualify for funding. 


Applications will open twice per semester and once for the Winter Term.

 Fall 2024
Activity DateApplications OpenApplication Deadline (11:59 PM)Decision Date
October 7 –
November 3
September 16*September 23September 30
November 4 –
December 20
October 7October 21October 28
Activities: Cross group events, conferences, guest speaker panels, large group meetings, regional field trips, group-based projects 
Winter 2025
Activity DateApplications OpenApplication Deadline (11:59 PM)Decision Date
January 2 –  
February 23 
November 25 December 9December 16 
Activities: Winter inter-session seminars, programming, conferences, group meetings 
Spring 2024
Activity DateApplications OpenApplication Deadline (11:59 PM)Decision Date
February 24 –  
March 30
January 27 February 10 February 17 
March 31 –  
May 7
March 3 March 17 March 24 
Activities: Earth day activities, end of year events, pre-finals programming
Applicant Qualifications: 
  • Single Organization Applications: Stand-alone organizations applying for funding must be recognized Harvard Student Organizations. Unofficial student groups cannot apply independently.  
  • Multi-Organization Application: Applications for activities which involve more than one student group are highly encouraged. Multi-organization applications must include at least one participating organization that is a recognized Harvard Student Organization. 
Program Requirements:  
  • Project groups must submit periodic updates when prompted by the Salata Institute.  
  • Upon completion, project groups must submit a 1-page final report and 2-3 photographs.  
  • Project groups must adhere to all Funding Restrictions.  
Funding Criteria:

The Salata Institute’s student program review committee will make funding decisions and awards based on the following criteria:  

  • Impact: The degree to which the proposed initiative contributes to the Salata Institute’s efforts to strengthen research, education, and public engagement on climate change and related environmental issues. 
  • Inclusivity: The degree to which the proposed activities include the broader Harvard community and promote participation from diverse audiences on campus. 
  • Feasibility: The degree to which completion of the proposed activity is feasible within the outlined timeframe considering budgetary and logistical constraints.  
  • Connections: The extent to which the proposed initiative forges new connections among students, schools and professionals or strengthens existing ones.   
Application Requirements:

The Student Activities Grant Application includes the following sections: 

  • Participant Information: Names of participating student organization and details about the student contact for each participating organization. 
  • Proposed Activity Details: Information about the group’s proposed activity including an activity title, date, time, and location. This section also includes three document uploads: an Activity Description, Responsibilities Statement, and Timeline. For details, please see the document templates and guidelines below.  
  • Budget & Funding Request: This section includes an itemized budget form upload (see Upload Guidelines + Templates), a funding request (not to exceed $1,000) and declaration of any additional funding sources. Please review the Program Funding Restrictions.  
  • Program Agreements: Complete the program attestation & acknowledgement. 

Upload Guidelines + Templates: 

  1. Activity Description Template 
  2. Responsibilities Statement Template 
  3. Timeline Template 
  4. Budget Template 

Award decisions: Applicants will be notified of decisions according to the specific Decision Date for their travel window. Please refer to the Program Timeline section above. 

Questions? Contact  

Funding Restrictions: 

Program funds cannot be used for the following:  

  • To pay for Harvard student time. 
  • For the purchase of gift cards.  
  • Group travel expenses outside of New England. 
  • For individual student travel.  
  • To fund projects that result in direct individual or personal gain. 
  • To fund aspects of a project beyond the pilot, including business start-up costs, etc.  

Some examples of allowable funding expenses include: 

  • Food and catering costs  
  • Speaker honorariums and travel costs 
  • Venue or event space rentals and fees 
  • Competition entrance fees or administration fees 
  • Project materials and supplies 
  • Approved project tools 

Final budgets are approved by the Salata Institute as part of the application process. The Salata Institute reserves the right to request revisions to the proposed budget to fit within the scope of allowable expenses. All applicable Harvard University financial policies and respective School financial policies must be followed