emily corbiere bates
emily corbiere bates (all pronouns) is a second-year Master of Divinity Candidate at Harvard Divinity School interested in studying spiritual care for farmers, young people and activists grappling with the climate crisis. They come to this work with a background in regenerative agriculture, in both spiritual and secular contexts in Northern California and Western North Carolina, and climate activism with the Sunrise Movement. Previously, they worked as Public Programs Manager at Urban Adamah, a Jewish Community Farm in Berkeley, CA, and as a Team Lead for a National Deep Canvassing Campaign with People’s Action. During their first year at Harvard, they co-founded the HDS Farmer Collective and participated in the 2023-2024 cohort of the Climate Leaders for Professional Students Program. In Summer 2024, they became a student fellow with the Harvard Climate Internship Program completing research on mental health and climate journalism with the Climate Psychology Alliance North America (CPA-NA). They continue their work with CPA-NA this year by supporting the organization to offer American Psychological Association Continuing Education credits for psychologists in climate-aware therapy and developing a new committee focused on farmers and agricultural workers. emily holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and International Studies from Macalester College.
The Salata Institute
The Salata Institute supports interdisciplinary research that leads to real-world action, including high-risk/high-reward projects by researchers already working in the climate area and new endeavors that make it easier for Harvard scholars, who have not worked on climate problems, to do so. Faculty interested in the Climate Research Clusters program should note an upcoming deadline for concepts on April 1, 2024.