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HSPH Environmental Justice Student Organization

Established in 2017, the mission of the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Environmental Justice Student Organization is to create space for students, faculty, and the Harvard-wide community to discuss and raise awareness about environmental justice (EJ) issues locally and globally, and work towards addressing these injustices in our communities at Harvard, locally, and beyond.
Aug 28, 2023

Within Harvard Community:

  • To facilitate discussions to reduce environmental and health inequities
  • To encourage faculty and students to recognize, understand, and incorporate environmental health disparities language and concepts into their research and studies
  • To break down subject silos and encourage a intersectional and multi-dimensional approach in our education to teach students about the interplay of environmental and sociopolitical factors in perpetuating health inequities.

Extra-Harvard Community:

  •  To facilitate student participation in community-based environmental justice projects
  • To foster stronger school-community relationships by working collaboratively to reduce local environmental inequality
  • To highlight existing areas of injustice in the greater Boston community and to identify resources and strategies to address them

Contact: ejstudent.harvardchan@gmail.com
