Rowan Flad
John E. Hudson Professor of Archaeology, Director of Graduate Studies
Outside professional activities
Research and Teaching Interests
Chinese Archaeology; emergence and persistence of complex societies in the Sichuan Basin; Interregional Interaction and the Proto-Silk-Road; Technology and Technological Change; Specialization; Zooarchaeology. Emergence and development of complex society in the late Neolithic period and the Bronze Age in China; Diachronic change in production processes; Intersection between ritual activity and production; The role of animals in early Chinese society - particularly their use in sacrifice and divination; Bias in media coverage of archaeology and archaeological practice.
Rowan Flad's research focuses on the emergence and development of complex society during the late Neolithic period and the Bronze Age in China. He has conducted excavations at a salt production site in the eastern Sichuan Basin, a regional survey in the Chengdu region focusing on prehistoric settlement patterns and social evolution, and survey and excavations at late Neolithic and early Bronze Age in the Tao River Valley of southern Gansu. Current research and writing projects focus on several aspects of social complexity including: specialized production and technology, the anthropology of value, mortuary analysis, archaeological landscapes, interregional interaction, cultural transmission, animal and plant domestication, and bias in both media coverage of archaeological research and the practice of archaeology.
He has published extensively on archaeology in China and on theoretical and conceptual topics in many edited volumes and journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Current Anthropology, The Holocene, Antiquity, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Journal of Field Archaeology, Asian Perspectives, Journal of East Asian Archaeology, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Kaogu, and Nanfang Minzu Kaogu. Among his edited books are volumes on specialization in the series Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, and on the archaeology of ritual and economy in East Asia. He is the author of Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China: An Archaeological Investigation of Specialization in China’s Three Gorges, published by Cambridge University Press in 2011, and Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River, also by Cambridge in 2013. He is currently finishing English and Chinese project reports on The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey – Results from the 2005-2010 Seasons, and on the Tao River Archaeological Project.
Email: rflad@fas.harvard.edu
Phone: (617) 495-1966
Additional Website: https://anthropology.fas.harvard.edu/people/rowan-flad
Chinese Archaeology
Chinese Archaeology
Outside professional activities
Outside Professional Activities
In the spirit of transparency and integrity, Salata Institute Faculty Associates disclose publicly their key professional activities outside of Harvard University. The activities disclosed below are for the most recent reporting period, as defined by University policy. Some of the activities may be paid, some may be unpaid, and others may be in exchange for expense reimbursement only.
Outside Professional Activities For Rowan Flad
Australian Data Research Commons
British Archaeological Reports
Editorial Services
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
Editorial Services
Cambridge University Press
Editorial Services
Current Anthropology
Editorial Services
Eshrick Ye Foundation
Fiduciary Board Membership
Eshrick Ye Foundation
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology
Editorial Services
Fudan University
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology
Institute for Field Research
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Open Context
Prizes or Awards
Poughkeepsie Public Schools Foundation
Fiduciary Board Membership
Routledge Press
Editorial Services
Society for American Archaeology
Conference organized or chaired
Society for East Asian Archaeology
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
White-Levy Foundation
Prizes or Awards
The Salata institute
The Salata Institute supports interdisciplinary research that leads to real-world action, including high-risk/high-reward projects by researchers already working in the climate area and new endeavors that make it easier for Harvard scholars, who have not worked on climate problems, to do so.