Richard Liu
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Chemistry & Chemical Biology Energy Resources & Energy Systems
Outside professional activities


Richard Liu's group will explore redox-active organic moieties as novel catalytic platforms, new methodologies to generate nano-structured carbon platforms, and applying myriad physical techniques to elucidate complex reaction mechanisms. Liu completed his graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he worked with Stephen L. Buchwald on the development of copper-hydride catalysts for olefin hydrofunctionalization processes, as well as palladium- and nickel-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. After earning his Ph.D. in 2019, he joined the laboratory of Timothy M. Swager at MIT and the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN) as a postdoctoral associate, during which he demonstrated new applications of photochemistry performed on and by organic polymers. His independent research will focus on discovering new concepts at the interface of organic, inorganic, physical, materials, and theoretical chemistry, with the goal of addressing global challenges in sustainability, energy, and human health. We are recruiting a diverse team of scientists to push the boundaries of organic chemistry. Although our research is guided foremost by our curiosity and imagination, we also share a desire to confront the greatest scientific challenges of 21st century society, including energy, sustainability, and health. To face these global problems, we will bring to bear an ever-expanding repertoire of techniques including organic and inorganic synthesis, spectroscopy, computation, device fabrication, and chemical sensing.
Organic chemistry

Outside professional activities

Outside Professional Activities

In the spirit of transparency and integrity, Salata Institute Faculty Associates disclose publicly their key professional activities outside of Harvard University. The activities disclosed below are for the most recent reporting period, as defined by University policy. Some of the activities may be paid, some may be unpaid, and others may be in exchange for expense reimbursement only.

Outside Professional Activities For Richard Liu
Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc.

The Salata institute

The Salata Institute supports interdisciplinary research that leads to real-world action, including high-risk/high-reward projects by researchers already working in the climate area and new endeavors that make it easier for Harvard scholars, who have not worked on climate problems, to do so.