Noel Michele Holbrook
Charles Bullard Professor of Forestry, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Director of the Harvard Forest, Faculty Fellow of the Arnold Arboretum,
Affiliate of Environmental Science and Engineering
Outside professional activities
Professor Michele Holbrook studies the physics and physiology of vascular transport in plants with the goal of understanding how constraints on the movement of water and solutes between soil and leaves influences ecological and evolutionary processes. Dr. Holbrook is currently working on questions relating to cavitation, stomatal mechanics, leaf hydraulic design, and xylem evolution.
Email: holbrook@oeb.harvard.edu
Phone: 617-496-0603
Additional Website: https://oeb.harvard.edu/people/noel-m-holbrook
Biodiversity and Systematics
Biodiversity and Systematics
Outside professional activities
Outside Professional Activities
In the spirit of transparency and integrity, Salata Institute Faculty Associates disclose publicly their key professional activities outside of Harvard University. The activities disclosed below are for the most recent reporting period, as defined by University policy. Some of the activities may be paid, some may be unpaid, and others may be in exchange for expense reimbursement only.
Outside Professional Activities For Noel Michele Holbrook
American Society of Plant Biologists
Editorial Services
Macmillan Publishing
Inventorship/Authorship on Intellectual Property (license/royalties)
Sinauer Associates, Inc.
The Salata institute
The Salata Institute supports interdisciplinary research that leads to real-world action, including high-risk/high-reward projects by researchers already working in the climate area and new endeavors that make it easier for Harvard scholars, who have not worked on climate problems, to do so.