Harvard’s Home for climate & Sustainability



Diane Davis
Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism
Architecture Urban Planning
Salata Institute Sponsored Projects
Outside professional activities


Diane E. Davis is the Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism and former Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design (GSD). She also is the director of the Mexican Cities Initiative at the GSD, and faculty chair of the committee on Mexico at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard. Before moving to Harvard in 2012, Davis served as the head of the International Development Group in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, where she also was Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning. Trained as a sociologist with an interest in cities in Latin America (BA in Geography, Northwestern University; Ph.D. in sociology, UCLA) Davis’s research interests include the relations between urbanization and national development, urban governance, urban social movements, and informality, with a special emphasis on Mexico. Books include Cities and Sovereignty: Identity Conflicts in the Urban Realm (Indiana University Press, 2011); Discipline and Development: Middle Classes and Prosperity in East Asia and Latin America (Cambridge University Press, 2004); Irregular Armed Forces and their Role in Politics and State Formation (Cambridge University Press, 2003); and Urban Leviathan: Mexico City in the Twentieth Century (Temple University Press 1994; Spanish translation 1999). Her recent research has focused on urban violence as well as spatial strategies to minimize risk and foster resilience in the face of these and other vulnerabilities. She teaches classes on Urbanization and Development; Urban Governance and the Politics of Planning, SDGs in Theory and Practice; and Planning Theory and Praxis: Comparative and Historical Approaches. This April Davis was named a CIFAR Fellow and co-director (along with Simon Goldhill, Secretary of the British Academy and professor of History at Cambridge) of a five-year project titled “Humanity’s Urban Future.” With a focus on six cities around the world (Kolkata, Mexico City, Shanghai, Kinshasa, Naples, Toronto), and with the participation of historians, planners, anthropologists, geographers, and architects, this initiative interrogates how a `good urban life’ is conceptualized and produced. Faculty Coordinator, Mexican Cities Initiative http://research.gsd.harvard.edu/mci/ Co-Chair, Faculty Committee on Mexico, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies Executive Committee Member, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Advisory Board Member, Harvard Mellon-Initiative CIFAR Fellow and Project Co-Director, 2023-2028, “Humanity’s Urban Future” https://cifar.ca/research-programs/humanitys-urban-future/ Faculty Affiliate Bloomberg Center for Cities, Harvard University
Urban Planning
Design & Social Equity
History & Theory
Risk & Resilience

Salata Institute Sponsored Projects

The Salata Institute is committed to supporting research that promises to make a real-world impact on the climate crisis. The Climate Research Clusters Program and Seed Grant Program deliver on this commitment by funding new and interdisciplinary climate research that address the many dimensions of the climate challenge.

Climate Research Cluster: Strengthening Communities

Outside professional activities

Outside Professional Activities

In the spirit of transparency and integrity, Salata Institute Faculty Associates disclose publicly their key professional activities outside of Harvard University. The activities disclosed below are for the most recent reporting period, as defined by University policy. Some of the activities may be paid, some may be unpaid, and others may be in exchange for expense reimbursement only.

Outside Professional Activities For Diane Davis
Board of Electors Cambridge University
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Conference organized or chaired
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Research or teaching appointment
City, Culture, Society
Editorial Services
Ciudades Vivibles y Amables, A. C. (CoRe)
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Columbia University World Projects
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
Consortium on Reflexion Critica del Territorio
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
El Colegio de Mexico
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
ETH Zurich
Membership on a scientific or other advisory board
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Editorial Services
Israeli Science Foundation
Fellowship or artist’s residencies
Journal of Latin American Studies
Editorial Services
Journal of Urban Affairs
Editorial Services
Journal of Urban History
Editorial Services
Kings College, Cambridge University
Fellowship or artist’s residencies
Oxford University Security Studies Program
Speaking engagement, invited lecture, or presentation
Planning Theory
Editorial Services
Political Geography
Editorial Services
Princeton University
Editorial Services
RC 21 International Sociological Association
Talent recruitment or development program
Routledge Press
Editorial Services
Taylor and Francis Publishers
Editorial Services
Urban Planning
Editorial Services
Vanderbilt University
Editorial Services

The Salata institute

The Salata Institute supports interdisciplinary research that leads to real-world action, including high-risk/high-reward projects by researchers already working in the climate area and new endeavors that make it easier for Harvard scholars, who have not worked on climate problems, to do so.