Register Now: Salata Institute Climate and Sustainability Career Expo

Register now to join us on Friday November 1, 2024 from 12:30 - 4:30pm.

Are you a Harvard or MIT student or alumni interested in a career in climate and sustainability? Or an employer interested in reaching Harvard University and MIT students with career opportunities? The Salata Institute Climate and Sustainability Career Expo is a collaborative effort across Harvard schools and MIT to connect organizations focused on climate, sustainability, and the environment with Harvard undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni. Register now to join us on Friday November 1, 2024 from 12:30 – 4:30pm. 

About the Expo


Hosted by Harvard FAS Mignone Center for Career Success (undergraduate, MA/MS/ALM, and PhD)  in collaboration with the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, the Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard Business School, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Law School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Harvard’s Gutman Conference Center – 6 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 (map)
The Gutman Conference Center has a LEED Gold certification.


● 11:30-12:30: Organization arrival and set up period (lunch provided)
● 12:30-4:30pm: Fair open to students
● 4:30-5:00pm: Organization pack up period

Students & Alumni

Harvard and MIT undergraduate and graduate students as well as Harvard and MIT alumni are welcome to register to attend the Expo.

Explore Participating Organizations

Explore participating organizations here. New employers are being added regularly — stay tuned for updates!

Get Ready for the Expo

Looking for tips on how to prepare for a career fair? Watch this presentation by the Harvard FAS Mignone Center for Career Success

Join Events this Fall

Can’t wait for the Expo? The Salata Institute hosted a Careers in Climate Action Speaker Series this past year. Hear from climate and sustainability professionals about their career journeys and experiences. Watch the series here. 


Join us at the expo to showcase jobs, internships, research experiences, and/or potential projects related to climate and sustainability within your organization. Every registration request will be reviewed by the planning committee. You will receive an email regarding the status of your registration once it is reviewed.

Deadline for registration is October 1, 2024.


Early Registration Discount Available until August 15:

  • For-profit employers: $150
  • Non-profit employers: $35

After August 15 registration rates will return to: 

  • For-profit employers: $200
  • Non-profit employers: $50

*Please note that there is a no-refund policy for canceled fair registrations.

Registration will include a table with two chairs and lunch for attending representatives.