Spring 2025
ID 215
January 27 - May 16
Wednesday, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
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Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology


This course examines application of epidemiologic methods to environmental and occupational health problems. Objectives are to review methods used in evaluating the health effects of physical and chemical agents in the environment, to review available evidence on the health effects of such exposures, and to consider policy questions raised by the scientific evidence. Topics include lectures on methodology, seminars on the review and criticism of current literature, and presentations by outside experts on specific environmental and occupational health issues of current interest.
Course Prerequisites: ID201 or [EPI201 and (BST 201 or PHS2000A)]. Concurrent registration with instructor permission only. THIS CLASS HAS PRIORITY ENROLLMENT. Any student who does not meet the Wave 1 or Wave 2 criteria can add themselves to the waitlist (if enrollment requirements are met) at any time during the enrollment period. At the beginning of each priority wave, students on the waitlist who meet the Wave’s criteria will be automatically enrolled into any remaining seats in the course (pending no time conflicts). *Cross-Registrants and Non-Degree Students will be enrolled on a space available basis after the enrollment deadline for the course.

Environmental Health
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Course Level
Interest Area
Public Health & Medicine
Cross Registration