Atmospheric Environment
This course offers a comprehensive overview of gaseous and particulate air pollutants. It will emphasize pollutant sources, physical and chemical properties, sampling and analysis, chemical transformation, atmospheric transport, fate, and potential for adverse health and environmental impacts. It will examine regulatory efforts to protect environmental health and emission control technologies for mobile and stationary sources, Lectures will present case studies on air pollution studies in US and other courses. Students will also learn to apply positive matrix factorization (PMF) to air pollution data and how to model pollutant dispersion using the AERMOD modeling system. In addition to mid-term and final examinations, the class includes several homework assignments and computer laboratories. THIS CLASS HAS PRIORITY ENROLLMENT. Any student who does not meet the Wave 1 or Wave 2 criteria can add themselves to the waitlist (if enrollment requirements are met) at any time during the enrollment period. At the beginning of each priority wave, students on the waitlist who meet the Wave’s criteria will be automatically enrolled into any remaining seats in the course (pending no time conflicts). *Cross-Registrants and Non-Degree Students will be enrolled on a space available basis after the enrollment deadline for the course.