Call for Proposals: Solar Geoengineering

Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program (SGRP) invites Harvard faculty members to apply for research grants to develop new directions in their research related to solar geoengineering. These grants aim to support innovative research across a variety of disciplines to evaluate solar geoengineering as a potential means to address climate change.
  1. Research Objectives: What questions are you trying to answer in this project or workshop? How will your answers advance our understanding of solar geoengineering?
  2. Background and Rationale: Explanation of the significance and innovation of the proposed work.
  3. Methodology: Detailed description of research methods and approach.
  4. Expected Outcomes: Description of anticipated results and their potential impact.
  5. Timeline: Estimated timeline for project completion.
  1. A document with current 2-page curriculum vitae or biosketches for all principal investigators.
  2. A document with a basic budget for the project, including rough budget estimates for (a) personnel, (b) equipment, and (c) other. Workshop proposals should outline costs for travel, catering and lodging. There is no prescribed format for presenting this information. Indirect costs should not be included.
  3. A 1-page summary of current and pending support.